GSP Offshore will perform the offshore activities conducted within the North Marmara Natural Gas Storage Extension Project (Phase III) under a contract with Rönesans. The joint venture between Rönesans Endüstri Tesisleri İnşaatSanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi and Renaissance Heavy Industries Joint Venture, both member companies of the Rönesans Holding, has been awarded by Boru Hatlari İle Petrol Taşima A.Ş (BOTAŞ) the tender for the third phase of the Construction Work for the North Marmara Natural Gas Storage Extension Project.
The works under this project are scheduled to commence in January 2019. Currently, GSP Saturn jack-up rig is currently being transported from Constanta port to Tekirdag Port, passing through the Bosphorus strait.
As main subcontractor of the offshore operations, GSP will supervise all the activities related to the construction of two fixed offshore platforms. GSP`s Bigfoot 1 Pipelay barge and Neptun heavy lift crane and will perform installation of the platforms, installation of two 28” pipelines of 2.1 and 3.3 km, cable installation. GSP will also carry out the drilling of 20 wells at the two pre-installed offshore platforms, using GSP Saturn an GSP Jupiter jack-up rigs, GSP Well Servicer multi-role vessel as well as platform supply vessels. The project will be carried out in Silivri, Istanbul, over a period of three years.