Jack-up Rigs

GSP is performing the offshore drilling activity using its eight drilling rigs: GSP Atlas, GSP Prometeu, GSP Saturn, GSP Orizont, GSP Jupiter, GSP Fortuna, GSP Uranus and GSP Magellan. Seven of the company’s jack-up rigs are cantilever type.

GSP has a long term investment plan for the modernization of the equipment onboard of the drilling rigs. Since 2004, GSP has invested over 500 mil USD in the acquisition and modernization of its vessels and drilling rigs.

All our rigs comply with the MODU Code requirements, as well as with the ISM (International Safety Management Code), ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code), SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea), MARPOL (Maritime Pollution), IMO (International Maritime Organization), COLREG (Collision Regulations), Load Line Conventions, and the International Conventions of Tonnage measurements of ships.